House of
Standing Committee on Aboriginal
Affairs and Northern Development (AANO)
AANO (38-1) Fourth Report
(2005) - Study on the Effectiveness of the Government Alternative
Dispute Resolution Process (ADR) for the Resolution of Indian
Residential School Claims.
(39-1) IRSRC REPORT - Standing Order 108(2), Supplementary Estimates
(B), 2006-07: votes 1b, 10b, 20b, 45b, 52b, and 54b, Indian Affairs
and Northern Development (20 March 2007). The witnesses before
us today, committee members, are from the Department of Indian and
Northern Affairs: Michael Wernick, deputy minister; Peter Harrison,
senior associate deputy minister; Gina Wilson, assistant deputy
minister, Indian Residential Schools Resolution Canada; and Peter
Traversy, acting chief financial officer.
AANO - Evidence Number 04 - Thursday, February 12, 2009
Ms. Caroline Davis (Assistant Deputy
Minister, Resolution and Individual Affairs Sector, Department of Indian
Affairs and Northern Development) and
Mrs. Aideen Nabigon (Acting Executive
Director, Truth and Reconciliation Commission)
discuss the Truth &
Reconciliation Commission. |