“Remember the Children”
project is an initiative of the Children of Shingwauk Alumni
Association (CSAA) and the Residential School Research, Archive, and
Visitor Centre, the Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN), and the National
Residential School Survivors' Society (NRSSS).
The Shingwauk Project and the Residential School Research, Archive,
and Visitor Centre has been collecting photographs and documents
about Indian and Inuit Residential and Day Schools for a number of
years. Many originals and copies of photographs and documents have
been made available to the Shingwauk Project Archive.
The Shingwauk Project
Archive has put together a series of Photo Albums that attempt to
represent a photographic history of these Indian and Inuit
Residential and Day Schools that were once located in the Bond Head
Treaty (1836), Robinson-Huron (1850) Treaty, Robinson-Superior
Treaty (1850), Manitoulin Island Treaty (1862), Treaty #3 (1873),
Treaty #5 (1875), and the James Bay - Treaty #9 (1905 - 1930)
We hope to expand and enhance this collection with your help.
We are attempting to identify the individuals and events that are
depicted in historic photographs about Indian and Inuit Residential
and Day Schools.
The information and photographs contained herein are constantly
being updated and revised. Every attempt is being made to ensure
the accuracy of the information that is being presented in these
Photo Albums.
Please contact us if our information contains any errors or
omissions. If you have additional information or photographs that
you would like to add to the
the Children"
project, please do not hesitate to contact us:
The Shingwauk Project
Residential School Research, Archive, and Visitor Centre
Algoma University
1520 Queen Street East
Sault Ste Marie, Ontario
P6A 2G4
Robinson-Huron (1850) Treaty Territory
(T) 705.949.2301 Ext. 4622
(F) 705.949. 6583
or by e-mail at
We gratefully acknowledge the administrative support provided by
Algoma University. The various chapters of
Indian Residential Schools in Ontario
have been reproduced with permission from the
Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN)
Indian Residential Schools Unit.
To view some of these files,
you need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader (or similar software)
The Adobe Acrobat
Reader application is free software that is available for download
from the Adobe web site: